8月5日,2023年广西“八桂系列”劳务品牌 3+N 专项职业技能大赛一“合浦月饼师傅”专项赛将在合浦县举行。这里是中国海上丝绸之路的早期始发港之一,也被誉为中国南珠之乡、中国沿海开放县,这里就是北部湾海畔的一颗璀璨明珠——合浦。下面,就让我们一起来了解一下合浦...在中国广西南端,有一座美丽的小城,这里曾百舸争流、千帆竞发,这里曾舟楫往来、商贾云集。这里是中国海上丝绸之路的早期始发港之一,也被誉为中国南珠之乡、中国沿海开放县,这里就是北部湾海畔的一颗璀璨明珠——合浦。大家好,我是广西壮族自治区北海市合浦县县长白银冰,很荣幸向大家推介千年古郡合浦县。
自公元前111年始设合浦郡,至今已有2100多年的历史。境内有万座汉墓、大浪古城、草鞋村遗址等5处全国重点文物保护单位。合浦汉墓群入选“百年百大考古发现”。合浦是古代海上丝绸之路在我国大陆海岸线 最西端的起点,在2100多年前就成为了中外通商往来的重要门户。现在的合浦正全力推动各项工作迈上新的台阶,进入了西部百强县行列。
At the southern tip of Guangxi, China, lies a beautiful town, it saw hundreds of boats racing, thousands of sails competing, it saw ships coming and leaving, untold merchants swarming in. It is one of the early departure ports of China's Maritime Silk Road, China’s hometown of Pearl and China Coastal Open County, and a bright pearl by the Beibu Gulf - Hepu.Hello everyone, I am Bai Yinbing, Head of Hepu County, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, I’m glad to introduce Hepu County, a millennial county.Hepu, a cultural city with a long historyFounded in 111 BC, Hepu County has a history of 2100 years, boasting five national key cultural relics protection units, including 10,000 Han tombs, Dalang Ancient City, and Caoxie Village Ruins. Hepu Han tombs were selected as one of the"Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries in a Century". Hepu is the starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road at the westernmost end of China's mainland coastline, becoming a gateway for sino-foreign trade over 2100 years ago. Today, it’s working to promote all work to a new high, listed as one of the top 100 counties in west China.Hepu, an eco-habitable charming cityHepu, meaning a place where rivers and seas meet, has clear sea water, and abundant pearls. its coastline of over 300 km, has bred more than 3700 hectares of mangroves. Hepu is home to 3 quality bays, 2 national nature reserves, 1 autonomous region level ecotourism demonstration area, and Xingdao Lake scenic spot, with over 1,000 starry islands of different sizes scattered on the green water. Hepu is rich in natural resources, with amazing ecological environment, attracting shoals of Chinese white dolphins. It is favorably located, with a "four-in-one" network of highway, high-speed railway, airport and port, as a paradise for living, working and health. It won the title of "China’s hometown of longevity" in 2019.Hepu, a city with a contented life and rich productsHepu is a powerhouse for agriculture and fishery in Guangxi, ranking top in total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery of Guangxi. It has a vast coastline and fertile Nanliu River Alluvial Plain, with diverse marine products, agricultural products, livestock and poultry products, as well as more than 500 marine economic species. Hepu Goose, Xiangshan Beak Litchi, Hepu Moon Cake and other specialties are among China Geographic Indication Products, Sandworms, sea duck eggs, sand crab juice are also unique locally.Hepu, a dynamic city of culture and tourismHepu County implements the important directive spirit of"Let cultural relics speak, let the history speak, and let culture speak”, integrating the development of history, culture and tourism, shaping a distinctive cultural and tourism industry, building 6 national AAAA scenic spots, like Departure Port of Maritime Silk Road and the Moon Cake Town. Maritime Silk Road Cultural Heritage Park is among one of the top 100 national cultural heritage tourism cases; Departure Port of Maritime Silk Road is China’s first scenic spot of interactive and immersive panoramic shows.Hepu, an open city striving for ocean-oriented strengthHepu is a frontier for opening and growth of Beibu Gulf. In recent years, based on Tieshan Donggang Industrial Park and other two parks, it has cultivated a "1+4" pillar industrial system, including 100 billion yuan green photovoltaic project, healthy food and smart manufacturing, grown emerging industries of port energy and offshore new energy, upgraded marine fishery and other traditional industries, for an ocean-oriented demonstration county for economic development.Hepu, a millennial port, is seeing vitality and bright prospects, we welcome friends at home and abroad for travel and business.I am Bai Yinbing, welcome to an open Hepu!请向你全国各地的朋友推荐合浦!
宣传片太震撼了,把合浦的磅礴大气都拍了出来。 合浦现在变得越来越好 这就是合浦两千多年的文化和历史 我还是第一次见合浦县县长呢 值得传扬下去 一个开放的合浦,一个文明的合浦,一个先进的合浦 合浦也是中华古城了,历史底蕴不错的。 要让全世界都知道我们大合浦 欢迎大家来我们合浦吃喝玩乐